2024 AFLW Memberships Available Now

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2024 AFLW Memberships Available Now More Info

AFLW Supporter Memberships

AFLW Supporter Memberships
Monthly $ 10.00

If you can’t make it to games but want to show your support and continued development of our AFLW program, a Supporter Membership is for you.

Package Inclusions

Tax deductible via the Australian Sports Foundation

Certificate of Recognition

2024 AFLW Bumper Sticker

10% discount at the Port Store More info

Emails and updates about the AFLW Program

Through our fundraising partnership with the Australian Sports Foundation (ASF), AFLW Supporter Memberships are tax deductible. You choose the level of support you would like to contribute.

ASF Full Logo No Tagline 2x

Through our fundraising partnership with the Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) donations are tax deductible. By making a donation to the AFLW Locker Love Intitiative you are confirming that your gift is made unconditionally to the Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) and you agree to the ASF’s T&Cs. The ASF will provide you with a tax-deductible receipt for your donation.

Tax receipts will be emailed to donors directly from the ASF. Receipts will be sent monthly. Receipt will only be sent once payment is made in full.

Purchases made after 23 June, 2024 will be included in the 2024/2025 financial year.

Supporter Membership Pack

  • Certificate of Recognition
  • Bumper Sticker
M24 AFLW Member Pack Mock Up Supporter
Monthly Yearly
$30 Supporter $10.00 $30
$50 Supporter $16.70 $50
$100 Supporter $30.34 $100
