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AFLW Packages

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Showing packages by seating area

Showing {* filteredPackagesCount() *} of {* packagesCount() *} packages

There are currently no packages available.

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{* card.title *}

{* card.heading *}

{* card.packageAccessTitle *}
{* card.yearlyLabel ? card.yearlyLabel : 'Adult yearly' *} from ${* card.yearlyPrice.toString().split('.')[0] *}
{* card.monthlyLabel *} from ${* card.monthlyPrice *}
{* card.packageSummary *}
{* entitlement.summary *}

Sorry, no packages meet the requirements you have selected.

Match Access
Seat Area
{* card.heading *}
{* card.packageAccessTitle *}, {* card.title *}
{* card.heading *}
{* card.packageAccessTitle *}
{* card.title *}
from ${* card.monthlyPrice ? card.monthlyPrice : card.yearlyPrice *}
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Sorry, no packages meet the requirements you have selected.