2024 AFLW Memberships Available Now

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2024 AFLW Memberships Available Now More Info

Pickets Terms & Conditions

By donating to the Port Adelaide Football Club Pickets Fundraising Campaign, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

All donations to the Port Adelaide Football Club (PAFC) for the Pickets Fundraising Campaign are tax deductible and are managed through the Australian Sports Foundation (Sports Foundation) Ltd.

For more than 30 years, the Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) has helped clubs and organisations from the grassroots and community level to the professional and elite national level to fundraise. The Australian Sports Foundation collects your personal information for the purposes of processing and receipting donations you make and sending you information on the PAFC ’s philanthropic activities. For more information on the Australian Sports Foundation, please visit www.asf.org.au

1. Definitions

“Port Adelaide Football Club” means the Port Adelaide Football Club Limited (ABN 49 068 839 547) https://abr.business.gov.au/ABN/View/49068839547 of Allan Scott Headquarters, Brougham Place, Alberton SA 5014.

The Port Adelaide Football Club aims to enrich, support and inspire our community above and beyond an elite on field sporting performance.

There is the ongoing need for us to raise funds to continue to deliver social outcomes through the power of football. Just as important is the ongoing need to re-develop Alberton Oval to meet future needs is the expansion of the facilities to incorporate a broad range of community sport, recreation, health, wellbeing and passive recreation facilities as a multi-use precinct many can benefit from.

“Sport Foundation” means the Australian Sports Foundation Ltd.

“You” or “your” means the individual person and or entity/company who is designated as the Donor who has completed donation details to secure a personalised picket via an online link through the Port Adelaide Football Club membership portal.

“Donor” means the voluntarily transferring of money (or donation pledge) to PAFC and in recognition of this donation the PAFC will deliver an etched plaque on a picket (you/you name) at Alberton Oval.

“Picket Fence” means the individual pickets located around Alberton Oval playing field. The Port Adelaide Football Club Port Adelaide Football Club are the owners of the picket fence.

2. Pickets

2.1 Picket

All funds raised through the picket fundraising campaign will go towards leaving your legacy at Alberton Oval for the next decade as we continue to create a sustainable community and sporting hub for all with football at its heart.

This includes creating a sporting home that is inclusive of the whole community as we continue with our Master Plan, Advancing Alberton Oval, which includes plans for Stage 4 redevelopment which will complete our transformation.

2.2 Term of a Picket

2.2 (a) Term

Subject to the terms and conditions of donation/pledge as outlined in this document, your pledge for a picket at the Alberton Oval will be for a 10-year period from when installed in 2024.

2.2 (b) At Term End

At the completion of the term, the Donor can:

  • Be offered the opportunity to repledge for their picket (providing Port Adelaide Football Club continues to re-run the campaign).
  • If not repledging, receive the plaque (not the actual picket) in its current state (including the impact of weather and conditions) by contacting the Port Adelaide Football Club (providing it can actually be removed without damage).

2.3 Picket Types

Following are the level of donations linked to picket products and what is etched on each picket:

  • Members: Your Name | $250
  • Non-Members: Your Name | $350
  • Premium: Your Name | $500
  • Corporate Business: Company Name | $1,500

2.4 Picket Etching

Port Adelaide Football Club reserves the right to change any prescribed wording by the donor which uses profanity or may offend anyone. Port Adelaide Football Club will consultant with the Donor before any changes are made via their nominated email address and they will have 30 days to respond.

3. Picket Donation Payment

Except where stated otherwise, all picket pledges are exclusive of GST. All pledges displayed are in Australian Dollars (AUD).

3.1 Donation Payment Terms

By pledging for a picket, Donors accept full responsibility for:

The accuracy and truth of the details they have provided and responsibility for notifying the Port Adelaide Football Club should they change or are incorrect within 30 days from payment; and

Ensuring that there are sufficient clear funds available in the nominated account on the scheduled drawing date.

If a debit is returned or dishonoured by the Donor’s financial institution an email will be sent requesting immediate payment. Any fees levied to the Donor by the financial institution will be payable by the Donor and the Port Adelaide Football Club accepts no liability for such fees. The Port Adelaide Football Club may suspend or cancel your Picket if your payment is dishonoured by your financial institution.

3.2 Payment Options

Payment is upfront via EFT or credit card. There are no payment plan options available at this time.

3.3 Tax Deductible Receipt

The Australian Sports Foundation will email you a tax-deductible receipt within 60 days of the payment of the donation if it was requested at the time of purchase.

The Australian Sports Foundation is a deductible gift recipient established by the Australian Government to raise funds through public and corporate donations for the development of sport in Australia. Port Adelaide Football Club has registered this campaign as a project with the Australian Sports Foundation.

4. Refunds Policy

4.1 Purpose

The Port Adelaide Football Club seeks and receives online donations through its online membership portal website, for this project.

The Port Adelaide Football Club recognises that sometimes donations are made in error, and it does not seek to be the recipient of donations that are not willingly given.

This policy governs the conditions under which the Port Adelaide Football Club will refund donations and the process to be followed.

4.2 Policy Statements

Port Adelaide Football Club will refund any donation given in error for a period of 14 days after the payment date.

4.3 Conditions

Any refund will be made by credit to the card used for the original online donation.

No refund is available if more than 14 days has elapsed since payment of an online donation.

All requests for refunds must be made in writing and directed to:

Email: membership@pafc.com.au

Requests for refunds must include details of the initial donation – the date, amount, name of the donor – and the nature of the error.

4.4 Provision

Any tax invoice/receipt issued for refunded online donations immediately becomes void and invalid, and in the case of error in amount, a new tax invoice will be issued for the amount in the corrected donation.

4.5 Application

This policy applies to all donations made to Port Adelaide Football Club through the Port Adelaide Football Club website for this project.

5. Non Transferable

5.1 The name selected by the Donor will remain etched into the picket fence for a period of ten years from 2024 and is not changeable or transferrable.

6. Location of Pickets

Port Adelaide Football Club reserves rights to allocate the location of the picket plaque pledged at their discretion.

7. Damage to Pickets

The Port Adelaide Football Club will repair or replace the picket plaque if there is any material damage in the 10-year period of the pledge/campaign.

8. Privacy and Terms of Use of Port Adelaide Football Club Membership Website

8.1 Privacy

Port Adelaide Football Club, collect your personal information to communicate with you in relation to the picket fundraising campaign.

By providing your personal information you agree it will be disclosed to, and used by, the Port Adelaide Football Club under the terms of this statement and the AFL’s Privacy Policy (https://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/privacy), which contains information about how you may access and seek to correct your personal information or complain about a breach of your privacy, and how the AFL and the Port Adelaide Football Club will deal with that complaint.

You may choose not to provide the Port Adelaide Football Club with certain information, though this may affect the service that you receive and may prevent the Port Adelaide Football Club from fulfilling your donation. As such you accept any impact or loss of rights due to that choice.

8.2 Use of content

Through donating for a picket, you provide consent to the use of content generated by the website, including social tiles, by Port Adelaide Football Club for marketing and promotional purposes, on a perpetual basis, without any compensation.

8.3 Opting out of Communications

  • Donors may remove themselves from any mail and email communications at any time by following one of the following options:
  • Following the relevant unsubscribe instructions contained in any electronic communication which you receive from the Port Adelaide Football Club;
  • Writing to the Port Adelaide Football Club at to the attention of Port Adelaide Football Club Picket Fundraising Campaign at PO Box 379, Port Adelaide SA 5015 requesting cancellation of any email, or mail communications;
  • Emailing the Port Adelaide Football Club at membership@pafc.com.au requesting cancellation of any email, or mail communications; or
  • Contacting the Port Adelaide Football Club on (08) 8447 9900

8.4 Website Terms of Use

At any time, you enter the Port Adelaide Football Club websites, you agree to be bound by the terms governing use of the website that are in force at that time.

8.5 Change of Personal Details

The Donor is responsible for notifying the Port Adelaide Football Club should their personal details change, including contact details or any other relevant information that could affect the donation to the Port Adelaide Football Club within 30 days from payment.

9. Amendment of the Terms and Conditions

The Port Adelaide Football Club may vary these terms and conditions at any time in its discretion. The Port Adelaide Football Club will give notice of any amendments to these terms and conditions by:

  • Email to the email address which you notified us of on the registration page or in any subsequent communication we receive from you updating your contact details; or
  • Posting the revised terms and conditions on https://www.portadelaidefc.com.au/
  • Your continued registration as a picket donor of the Port Adelaide Football Club after such notifications above will constitute acceptance by you of any amendments to the terms and conditions.

10. General

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of South Australia. Each party submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of courts exercising jurisdiction there in connection with matters concerning these terms and conditions.

No failure to exercise or delay in exercising any right, power or remedy by the Port Adelaide Football Club under these terms and conditions operates as a waiver of that right, power or remedy by the Port Adelaide Football Club.

Any clause or provision of these terms and conditions that is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction is ineffective as to that jurisdiction solely to the extent of the prohibition or unenforceability. That does not invalidate the remaining clauses or provisions of these terms and conditions or affect the validity or enforceability of that clause or provision in any other jurisdiction.

11. Further Information

For further information or clarification on the Port Adelaide Football Club, please email membership@pafc.com.au or call (08) 8447 9900.